Sunday, September 12, 2010

I guess I'll lie down again.



I was lying down and worrying about my credit card issue if I don't get a caseworker tomorrow for whatever reason.  My dad said maybe he can go for me.

I was lying down.

Well the storm stopped.



I added the theater and music teacher to my profile on Facebook.

I found her and someone else on Facebook.


I think I found her.

Lots of Lightening

It's raining!  It's constant thunder.

I tried to call my old theater teacher too.

And her numbers are no longer there, cell doesn't sound like her and home has been disconnected.

"Phoebe in Wonderland"

An old lady with braids going up her head, blonde and old or something, recided the small section of Alice in Wonderland, "'twas brillig..." to a class switching teachers though they were very young and then left.  She was the new theater teacher.  All 3 years at my first high school we had a different theater teacher.  Mine was 3 and she left after I went there.  Her e-mail|s didn't work.

I'm not watching anymore.

I returning the things I was thinking of watching.

Watching "Phoebe in Wonderland"

What I Should Have Done

1. English IV APG
2. American History H
3. Health | T Music II
4. Civics | Free Enterprise
5. T Theater I
6. Dance Team
7. Art III

1. T Theater II
2. T Music II | III
3. Art IV
4. Dance Team

I tried to e-mail a theater teacher,

but her address doesn't work!  I tried two.

I am waiting for my dad.

I just saw the beginning part.

I'm watching "Phoebe in Wonderland."